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This exam is meant for those who have completed Scratch 2.0 and 3.0 beginners' level with proof of projects and series of tasks. There's no age limit to those who w ant to take the exam but the the minimum of learner can't be less than 6 years of age during the time of taking the exam

Git is a version control system; it's helps you keep track of code changes. Essentially designed and used to collaborate on coding project (software development and engineering).

Get the essential concept with the technical know-how on how to put git to use in your sandbox and live production project by taking 30mins to one hour by taking this course and be harm with the required skills to solve real life problem and start deploying a maintainable and sustained code in less two weeks of learning.

A front-end developer is a class of software developer who specializes in creating and designing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of websites and web applications. 

This course is beginner friendly, it's curated for learners who are just starting out, preparer for the age K -12 with the appropriate Syllabus.

You can be sure training is 95% Practical. We also do leave out the necessity of writing important key notes down for the theoretical aspect can help learner to think as a progranmer alongside with our Practical approach.

HTML5 Level 1 exams for those who have successfully completed stage1 with a proof of project.

HTML 5 Web Designer Examination for every learners and student who have successfully completed stage 1 of HTML Frontend Development. Kindly refers to your note and study materials for revise before attempting this exam.


Beginner friendly HTML practical approach course, learn to write code for website the right way,, using the style and guideline that help you in suceeding in becoming a web enthusiast  and coder.

Learn Python programming the easy way and start building your own projects and increasing your knowledge and programming skills towards solving real world problems.

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